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Welcome to Wisdom Coaching!

Are you concerned that your kids aren’t confident and prepared to handle the ups and downs of growing up and to really go for it in life?

If so, then you've come to the right place. 


Our kids spend many hours learning to read and do math, but most never learn the one thing that has the greatest impact on their lives, which is their mindset. It’s how they think about themselves and what is possible for their lives. And yet, mindset is at the core of their self-esteem, their self-confidence and what they create in their lives.


Just like our kids aren’t born knowing how to play the piano or sports, or how to read and write, our kids aren’t born knowing how to think for themselves.

Does your child need help with:

  • Low self-esteem

  • A big change, such as a move, a new school, or divorcing parents

  • Becoming more successful in school or extracurricular activities

  • Confidence, shyness, or anxiety

  • Developing self-leadership skills

  • Making better choices with peers

  • Taking responsibility for homework and chores

We can help your child:

  • Develop resilience skills and a "go for it" attitude

  • Grow self-esteem from the “inside out”

  • Learn to believe in themselves and build self-confidence

  • Develop their own “inner compass”

  • Learn to live life with intention and develop a vision for their lives

“I am enjoying these sessions because it teaches me how to be positive and I know I don’t want to be in my ‘comfort zone’. I only want to be in my ‘dream zone’.”

– An 8 year-old girl

“I think these sessions have made a difference in my daily life and with my school work. It has helped me to face problems that I encountered with my friends and to resolve these problems. I love going to these sessions. I am now able to ‘power shift’. I learned how my brain works and how to control my thoughts and actions. Remember that whatever you think of yourself, it’s true!”

– A 10 year-old girl

This is a program that I believe will benefit our younger generation as it certainly will instill in them, through structured and fun ways, how to deal with the curve balls that life always throws at them. One is never too young to learn these lessons and the skills taught enable our children to become well-rounded individuals, and to make a positive contribution to society.”

– Their Mom

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